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Welcome to July

Writer's picture: AlisonAlison

Committing to Growth

Wow. July already, this year so far seems to have flown!


How many of you have been riding the tides emotionally? The energy recently seems to have been like the waves, up and down which usually suggests there are many planetary things going on. I am not an astrologer, but I do follow the moon cycles and I know that the last full moon in Capricorn created waves to help us shift our energy so we can release and re-align our soul paths. And what’s more, there is another full moon in Capricorn this month, so if we haven’t learnt our lessons last month, or shifted our energy, then we can expect to see or experience similar or repeated messages to encourage us to do so.


We all need these powerful and helpful nudges to help us connect with our souls and keep us focused on where we need to be. I always ask the challenges, “What are you showing me?” and “What do I need to do, to continue moving forward?” This is a really positve and brave thing to do as we are often feeling vulnerable.However hard our decisions or current situations can be, there is always a learning and as soon as we understand it, the old ways of thinking can release and we can grow. Being stuck in old mind-sets just take us longer to reach our happiness. That is all we are here on Earth to find, happiness.


Unfortunately, this last week or so, I have been nursing our poorly cat around the clock with 4 hourly feeds into her tube. Olive, is a delightful black cat who we rescued only last year after being abandoned along the roadside., is only 2 years old but is fighting with all her might.  It is times like these where my resolve in the spirit world strengthens and my faith in healing is at its highest. I have been giving her so much healing but I have to laugh at how she moves away when she has had enough! Animals, like children only need short bursts of healing and subconsciously know when they have had their quota. She is making small steps forwards and I believe, apart from the healing, love has been the key contributing factor.

Love is a precious gift, its power can move mountains!  

Coming Up

Coming up this month, we have a New Moon in Cancer. So home, families, love and abundance is highlighted, let’s hope we can draw upon this and find some peace.

I am busy with readings, healing and spiritual teaching/mentoring this month but I always cherish time with my family and have more birthday celebrations, thats 3 in as many weeks!


More information to follow on all events, but if you are interested in joining one of my circles or meditation group, please contact me via email – or 07792289762

Interested in learning from home, check out my new book - The MIndful Medium, A Practical Guide to Spirituality

Tips to protect your Spiritual Energy



1.   Grounding – a simple walk in nature, time spent in the garden

2.   Aura – use selenite, incense or essential oil spray

3.   Bubble of Protection - envoke Archangel Michael

4.   Nature – visit your favourite place

5.   Water – drinking a glass with mint, lemon & ginger or cucumber

6.   Journal – amazing way to trace your energy trail

7.   Stop comparing yourself to others – celebrate being YOU!

8.   Positive affirmations – set you up for the day ahead

9.   Breath-work

10.  Self-healing – Reiki, Rahanni, Crystal, Sound

11.  Archangel Angel – invoke your favourite angel and invite them close

12.  Music – listen to or dance to, whatever you are drawn to do

13. Love – self-love and sending out love raises the soul’s vibration

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." Martin Luther King

Crystal of the Month


This month I am drawn to the powerful Selenite

Selenite, with its moonlight energy, is a beautiful crystal for opening, clearing and activating the crown chakra. It is a wonderful crystal for meditation, and I always use it to clear lower energies when healing. It can help us to feel at peace and activates healing at a soul level.


Selenite helps us to connect us to ancient wisdom and knowledge with its high frequency which is why it is one of the best crystals for communication with the angelic realms and our guides. This amazing crystal bring us protection too, so use it around your house. You can leave a selenite wand above each door frame and carry a tumble stone in your pocket.


With such gentle energy, selenite is perfect on all levels and a must for all collections.


Animal Wisdom


I love it when the mighty, beautiful peacock turns up to share his wisdom, he brings with him such grace, honour and love. He teaches us to step into our power and be courageous, asking us to find our inner confidence and inspires us to share the love with others.


The peacock is a wonderful symbol of protection which he fans outwards. If you are transitioning through a difficult time, allow his love, strength, courage and protection to guide you safely through in the knowledge that we are all tested and must grow spiritually if we are to find our true pathway. It’s through these times we must call upon our faith and have self-belief.


Rebirth is another gift of the peacock, so accept this opportunity to connect with the beauty of new beginnings and trust your spiritual vision to guide you in the right direction for you.



What I am offering in June


1:1 Readings Guidance, reassurance, love and healing - this is how I would describe my readings. During the reading I will connect you with your loved ones in the Spirit World, bringing through evidential evidence and sharing messages of love, hope, understanding and guidance.

Past Life Regression - Finding out who you have been in a Past Life is not only interesting but can help you identify repetitive emotional and behavioural patterns, it could be the reason you are attracted to certain people (positive and negative) or could be the reason you are feeling blocked in your current situation.

Past Life Regression can be an amazing revelation, helping you to understand who you are and the lessons you have learnt along the way. It can bring wisdom and the realisation to set free any Karma you no longer need to hold on to.

Bespoke Spiritual Guidance for working mediums - If you are a working medium and have hit some blocks or stumbles along the way and are possibly questioning your gifts, then maybe a session to ‘untangle’ and get re-aligned is what you need. Maybe you simply want to develop and strengthen your gifts and prefer to do this under 1:1 supervision.

NEW - Development Circle - Here in Chipping Norton! A safe space for you to grow your spiritual gifts and deepen your connection with Spirit.

Meditation Group Join me on this beautiful mediation course where I will guide you through various breathing and relaxation techniques to help you find inner peace, calm and tranquillity. Each week I will take you on a different guided journey to deepen the relaxation of the mind, body and soul before finishing with some spiritual and sound healing.


Soul HealingI offer a range of healing modalities from Reiki, Rahanni, crystal and spiritual. Each are wonderfully beneficial for the mind, body (physical) and soul.

Collective Healing With the amazing benefits of ‘Collective Healing,’ healing together boosts the wonderful energy making it stronger and more powerful. Our weekly gathering of beautiful souls join together in sending healing to many people in need of physical, emotional, mental or spiritual healing.


If you have anyone who you wish to add to my healing list, please do send me their name and I will include them in my daily practice along with the weekly practice.



Connect with me on my Face Book page Spiritual Insights or

Instagram, Alison Grey Medium


For prices, please see my website.

Until next time, I wish you all love, healing and blessings.

I look forward to connecting with you.

Alison xx

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