The strength of our soul depends on the depth of our roots and the openness of our heart
When teaching my students to grow spiritually, I can’t emphasise how important it is to ground, to stay connected to Earth and be true to yourself.
This is because our soul needs a home which is rooted in truth and honesty. We simply can’t grow unless we understand who we are, know our values and can express our beliefs.
To live by our truth creates such a powerful vibe and allows us to reach our full potential, the potential we chose to follow when we came to Earth for our human experience.
Having strength, being strong creates a perfect base for growth, it helps us to shift and change, to manoeuvre through ‘wobbles’ and breeds a foundation for development.
When opening our hearts, when reaching for the stars, we are giving our soul permission to welcome what is truly meant for us. Find the joy in listen to your heart whispers, engage healthily with the mind and having faith, rise above the murky waters of confusion to your your happiness.
Energy of Scorpio

Sliding into November means welcoming the energy of Scorpio (and Sagittarius later in the month). I don’t know many Scorpions but am always intrigued by the intensity and depth of this passionate sun sign.
Scorpions are the sign of transformation. They are mysterious, deep and powerful. Being a water sign means that they are highly intuitive and because they are ruled by Mars and Pluto (death and transformation), they are cool, calm yet deep and hard to figure out at times.
If you know a Scorpion, you will know they fight passionately for what they believe in, won’t back down from what they believe to be right and hate dishonesty. Jealousy can be an issue for them, but as individuals, they make wonderful souls and powerful leaders. Magnetic and loyal – think I need to find more of these wonderful people!
Autumn brings such interesting festivals, from Halloween (one of my favourites), the Mexican ‘Day of the Dead’, the Gaelic ‘Samhain’, Guy Fawkes/Bonfire Night and the Hindu festival; Diwali “Festival of Lights’. So many opportunities to celebrate with family and friends, with amazing decorations, dressing up and of course lighting up the sky with fireworks. I’m looking forward to some of these traditions and love that they are kept alive and are celebrated.
In the summer I was approached by the Infinity Foundation in America, asking if I would like to join their team of spiritual, healing and well-being practitioners to run a course on Zoom. Naturally, I was delighted and after months of creating it, it is finally ready to be taught in January 2025. The course; ‘Spiritual Mentorship: Attuning to Spirit’ will run over 4, 2 hour sessions and will cover the main aspects of spirituality from psychic awareness, mediumship, healing and chakras to understanding energy trails, the aura, raising our vibration and much more. There will be lots of practical exercises, visualisations, and a chance to meet like-minded people on the same awakening journey. The link below will direct you to the Infinity Foundation where you can read more about the course.

More information to follow on all events, but if you are interested, please contact me via email – alisongreymedium@gmail.com or 07792289762
Or order my book ‘The Mindful Medium – A Practical Guide to Spirituality’
Common Signs from Spirit – Secret Language

Signs are a wonderful gift from our loved ones, guides or angels from Heaven.
Robins – and other birds (my nan is a blue tit) As a symbol of freedom and flight, birds are always a common choice for spirit to represent them. Look out for owls and eagles too.
Feathers – usually white, but different coloured feathers also carry deep meanings like, black (protection), grey (balance) No matter what the colour, these beautiful signs always appear when you need them and are often singular and in places where they wouldn’t normally be found
Rainbows – hope, joy – simply the happiest sign from our loved ones to find
Butterflies & Dragonflies – signify transformation, theirs or yours! We saw a red admiral at my nans funeral, inside during the month of October when butterflies usually aren’t present. A beautiful sign to reassure us she was safely in spirit (and watching..)
Pennies – also shiny 5ps or dimes. You may have heard the saying ‘Pennies from Heaven’
Repetitive Numbers – Powerful sign on many levels. I see these all the times and each number or sequence of numbers means so much – think I will write about this next time.
Flowers – carry individual meanings but also could be their favourite flower or a flower from their funeral
Animals – Again so many ways to interpret, worthy of deeper explanation but usually seen as a quality you may need or indeed a ‘favourite’ animal/pet
Personal – our loved ones may bring us something which reminds us of them, I know several people who have agreed with their loved one to send a sign which is personal to them to let them know they have arrived safely in Heaven and that they are ok. This sign is extra special
‘Signs are a gift from Heaven. Each is a special and unique validation that your loved one who has passed away is forever by your side.’ Matt Fraser
Crystal of the Month
This month I am drawn to the crystal Snowflake Obsidian

Every time I see one of these gems, I wonder at the unique and curious pattern, just like a snowflake.
Snowflake Obsidian crystals embodies yin/yang energies, they are connected to both the base and crown chakras which means that they are truly incredible. Grounding, protective yet help to increase psychic sensitivity, these crystals are a must for all collections. Their healing properties help us to release unhealthy patterns, bad behaviour and deliver us back to reality. Healing emotional wounds as well as strengthening our physical body - the spine, veins, arteries and veins, improving circulation and softening the aging process.
Snowflake Obsidian is a natural volcanic stone, the ‘snowflake’ due to the mineral cristobalite, its energy is powerful, purifying, bringing emotional balance and mental clarity.
Essential Oil Wisdom

This beautiful, woody yet sweet scent has been used for centuries within a multitude of cultures. It is renowned for its healing, cleansing and calming properties which makes it a truly spiritual fragrance.
Frankincense is known to uplift the soul, connect you to your higher-self and with it boosting your positivity, it brings enlightenment to help increase your faith which is why it is used around the world in churches, cathedrals and in sacred rituals.
I like to use frankincense in my healing room and during meditations as it brings an atmosphere of relaxation, up-liftment and peace. It is also amazing for many health conditions such as lowering heart pressure, increasing focus and is a great antibacterial aid for infections.
Frankincense blends well with pine, lavender and sweet orange, so why not try to blend it with a carrier oil for a massage, use in a diffuser, incense sticks or in soaps and lotions?
As with all essential oils, when using on the skin, mix with a carrier oil and always test a small area in case you have an allergic reaction!
What I am offering in November
1:1 Readings – Guidance, reassurance, love and healing - this is how I would describe my readings. During the reading I will connect you with your loved ones in the Spirit World, bringing through evidential evidence and sharing messages of love, hope, understanding and guidance.
Past Life Regression - Finding out who you have been in a Past Life is not only interesting but can help you identify repetitive emotional and behavioural patterns, it could be the reason you are attracted to certain people (positive and negative) or could be the reason you are feeling blocked in your current situation.
Past Life Regression can be an amazing revelation, helping you to understand who you are and the lessons you have learnt along the way. It can bring wisdom and the realisation to set free any Karma you no longer need to hold on to.
Bespoke Spiritual Guidance for working mediums - If you are a working medium and have hit some blocks or stumbles along the way and are possibly questioning your gifts, then maybe a session to ‘untangle’ and get re-aligned is what you need. Maybe you simply want to develop and strengthen your gifts and prefer to do this under 1:1 supervision.
Meditation Group – Join me on this beautiful mediation course where I will guide you through various breathing and relaxation techniques to help you find inner peace, calm and tranquillity. Each week I will take you on a different guided journey to deepen the relaxation of the mind, body and soul before finishing with some spiritual and sound healing.
Soul Healing – I offer a range of healing modalities from Reiki, Rahanni, crystal and spiritual. Each are wonderfully beneficial for the mind, body (physical) and soul.
Collective Healing – With the amazing benefits of ‘Collective Healing,’ healing together boosts the wonderful energy making it stronger and more powerful. Our weekly gathering of beautiful souls join together in sending healing to many people in need of physical, emotional, mental or spiritual healing.
Mini Demonstrations – I am now offering mini demonstrations for up to 5 people (minimum of 3) in your own home.
If you have anyone who you wish to add to my healing list, please do send me their name and I will include them in my daily practice along with the weekly practice.
Connect with me on my Face Book page Spiritual Insights or
Instagram, Alison Grey Medium
For prices, please see my website.
Until next time, I wish you all love, healing and blessings.
I look forward to connecting with you.
Alison xx